Yesterday Kaya gave me his new single. Kaya-kun, thanks for everything.
On all accounts, it's a very him-like (her-like?) world, and I highly recommend it.
I'm thinking of seeing if he'll let me go to one of his lives sooner or later.
Kaya-kun, thanks in advance for when I do (laughs)


Last week I finished the sample disc for [Icebound] and I've had it on repeat lately.
There are violent songs, techno songs, and gothic-ish songs, and I feel pretty good about how it turned out.
I'll begin shipping mid-November, so if you haven't reserved your copy yet please do.
If you have, I hope you're looking forward to it.

Today, as Kocha continues to gnaw my leg, do I write my music.



Actually, it's in the process of being shipped out now, since I sucked once again at updating.
Forgive me. The last bit is a reference to his new interview on Jame.
( Btw: Ganbare, Go-kun *lol*)

It's nice to hear that he and Kaya are still friends, hm ^^
I happen to have one of those too perhaps. Maybe we can make a PV.
I''ll try to convince her to dress up like a nurse from Silent Hill and run around Boston with me.
After all, it's not like she hasn't done that before or anything.




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10/24/07 - Newest entries translated...11.06.07

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