It's already
close to the end of November and that means it'll be Christmas
soon and the world will be thrown into an uproar, but how
have you all been recently?
Me, I've been doing thing like going to my cousin's wedding
ceremony, absorbing myself in reading that "Deathnote"
manga everyone's talking about and getting kinda tired out
by all those words, hearing about the foreign label releases,
trying to make corn cream soup, forgetting the cream and
thinking "this isn't creamy" and kinda failing,
making songs, and playing with Kocha, and've busy enough
with that in itself.
In my last installment, I bought Kocha a "Winter Kitty
At least that is what I wrote, but it's been a month since
then.....and he hasn't gone in it even once....
Even though it's been sitting there just like it was all
month he hasn't gone in his cat house at all, and so I thought
if I bought an Electric Carpet Meant For Pet-Use and stuck
it in there for him it'd be warm, and then even ever-stubborn
Kocha would surely take a liking to it.
Thus do I buy an Electric Carpet Meant For Pet-Use and set
it in the Kitty House.
Switch, on. It's pretty warm.
I leave it like that for 3 days and 3 nights.
And I think he'd go in with that, but it's into the 3rd
with no signs that Kocha's entered the house..
When I try bringing him to sit with me before it, he's like
"Dude, Hora, no way I'm going in that thing" and
gnaws on my hand and escapes while I am decapacitated...
I have no choice, so I try putting catnip in it.
"If I do this he will surely be captivated by the catnip,
go to the Kitty House, know the warmth of the Kitty House,
and he will favor it," I think.
And I leave it like that for 3 days and 3 nights.
But it's into the 3rd day there are no signs that Kocha's
entered the house.....
It seems that no matter what I do, he will never enter the
Kitty House for me, and so want to at least salvage the
Electric Carpet.
With that thought I try laying it out beneath the blanket
Kocha's always sleeping on.
And on that very day, in the dead of night, I creep over
to check on the status of Kocha.
When I do, I find him sound alseep on the blanket, skillfully
positioned on the only part where the Electric Carpet hadn't
been lain down....
I have no idea what'll please him (wry smile).
Ah well, I'm enjoyinh that [Kocha's got me wrapped around
his little finger] feeling too (laughs)
There's only an extremely small number of my 3rd album,
This time there will be no second selling of staff copies,
so you'd best hurry if you don't want to miss it.
I wonder if they still sell Dragon Ballz furikake?
Hora (I hate sesame seed crackers)
It's kind of creepy, but I think I understand
Kocha *heh heh*
Like, I dunno. If someone bought me a Kitty House I don't
think I'd go in it either.
Anyhow, as I've been living with my
mother recently, I've just seen Alien 4 (Resurrection).
I learned many things from it. And, since Hora likes Alien,
I thought it a good idea to impart you with my wisdom too.
Faith's List of Useful Lessons from
Alien 4, Resurrection, in order of importance:
1) Don't use yourself
to mend your spaceship.
You'll just get sucked through the hole and end up in little
bloody ribbons floating in outer space for all eternity.
2) If you're ever stuck
in jail and have acid blood, don't tell your cellmates.
They will kill you and use you to burn through the walls
and escape.
3) Just because you're
the hot one doesn't mean you won't die first.
4) Well, I don't know
about you, but I was studying the business section of the
Asahi Shinbun when I was watching it.
So I learned how to say "highly fluctuating long term
interest rate."
It was very useful.
There was also a picture of Kocha on
the site (zomg kawayusu~) but I don't take Hora's pictures
from his site.
So I was forced to google image "Kocha", and found
this, and will put it here instead.

This jolly man won a senior citizen's