Happy New Years! Happy New Ye~arz.

What did you all do for New Years? I, I played Metal Gear Solid for PSP and Jump for DS (thank you!)
I also did FF1 and 2. Nah, you know, I'm really great at Metal Gear Solid.
For some reason I end up wanting to uselessly pummel my enemies (laughs)
Really it's the kind of game where you're not supposed to be found or killed by your enemies though.
But if you pummel your enemy's head with the tranquilizer gun then there are all these needles sticking out and they end up looking like Hellraiser's "Pinhead".
So I tried attacking my enemy's heads and making them look like Pinhead, and had a fully satisfactory time with that sort of abnormal method of playment.
How's that for gloomy? (chuckle)

Then I played Wii too.
I was able to get it the first day it came out at this small, strangely stagnant little store that looked like it's gonna go out of business any day now.
It had a "the sediments of the magnificent ocean" kind of feel to it (laughs)
Well, at any rate, I reserved it and got my Wii and so it was all good.

And, I went to the Goutokuji Shrine for New Years, as I do every year.
There was a sociable cat at the temple entrance, right at the slope, and that was really cute.
I buy a manegineko every time I go to the Goutokuji, so there are tons of cats of all sizes lined up around the monitor in my work room.
After that, I really like amazake, and so I made some myself.
If tastes really good if you add not just sugar and water to the sake lees, but also a really little bit of salt to bring out the flavor.
But to the very end, it has to be a little bit.
In the time of the great Schwarz Stein tours I had this unrge to drink some at any cost, and so after the show I went to the convenience store and got some instant amazake and drank it in the hotel but it SUCKED (chuckle)
I aint drinkin' that stuff.

And so with that, for New Years I drank amazake and played video games (actually, I did a bunch of other things too)
At any rate, first things first, this year I'm thinking of releasing an album in March. I hope you'll look forward to it.
It's not done yet though....

I'll be disturbing Kaya for a bit on his radio show this time.
In truth, I was supposed to be on sooner, but I was blowing it off and pushing back the time and it got really late and.....(wry smile). Kaya kun, I'm sorry!

01.12 Hora


YAY ALBUM!!!...I jusy hope it comes before my birthday this year...
I hope everyone likes the new layout *lol* It so doesn't fit at all, and I know it; I'm just playing~~

Manekineko are cat figurines with their paws raised up. Each color represents a different kind of luck.

For New Years I studied things, tampered with computer graphics and talked to friends, and tried to convince Hanachan that Toni Braxton's really a girl because I listen to normal music sometimes.
My whole life isn't counter-culture, drag queens, transsexuals, and goffy after all (laughs)

Anyhow, for Christmas I played games too, with my brother ^^
When I say "play games", I mean that I tried, sucked, and then sat down on the couch next to him
and watched him play while reading about woodblock prints and cel phone innovations.
Whenever we play, the first thing we do is try to kill ourselves in interesting ways. It's fun.

He hates Japan, my brother, so he won't play anything that's "too Japanese."
My mom says it started after I went to Japan for a year and left him alone.
I came back, obviously, but I guess he's afraid I'm going to leave again -_-
Mom's not always 100% right about those things, but he's actually mentioned things to me before,
so I guess...(laughs)It's hard deciding where to live, nevermind visas and all that.



Important News:

Hora's 4th CD, [VENOM] has been anounced
ordering information

Recent Updates:

01.13 ~ New update regarding Hora's 4th CD venom and a rather random reference to 1993 Japanese tv drama.
Update here 02.01.2007

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