Damn it's hot.
These day's I've been pigging out on Suika Bars and Space Dots.
How've you all been?
Kocha looks like he's been having a hard time with the heat so I wanted to do something for him, but he hates the breeze from the air conditioner.
And he still doesn't like his hinyari mat on top of it all.
Isn't there any way for a cat to get through the summer comfortably?

It seems my esteemed Master got his marraige paperwork in order.
Master, congratuations.

8.15 Hora

Ah, now Hora's got me recalling something someone said about him >_<
Well, anyhow, it looks like he's having fun with Kocha.
When I said "space dots" it was a little different though. The real name is "Aisu no Jitsu",
and it is apparently doing some weird collaboration with Monster Hunter XD

I hate air conditioners.
My boss
always turns the one at work on to full blast and freezes everything,
but for some reason no one else ever notices. Then my brother does it at home too.
It's mid-summer and I still have hands of Ice and wear my winter coat around ;_;
Why do people do that?!

And speaking of brother.....*lol*
I decided to try Galerians: Ash out and failed miserably. (Hora mentioned it in previous entries)
First I didn't realize you could replenish your drugs. Second...well, I'm just bad at it.
So I asked my brother if he wanted to give it a try and plopped down next to him on the couch
to give strategic pointers and study my kanji, as is our custom after I fail miserably at a video game....he played about an hour and got through Parano and Spider without dying even once.

Of course he couldn't have done it if I hadn't figured out how to defeat them but eh.
It was pretty awe-inspiring all the same. And then he went back to Mom's and I'm lonely *lol*


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06/25/07 - Newest entry translated...08.15.07

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all material on this site is unofficial and in no way represents the artist himself. Original copyright God Synthesis and Hora