My site has moved.
So everybody, once again, hello.

I'm thinking of getting on writing some new songs in a bit.
I was thinking I might do some violent ones,
but to my own surprise they've been all quiet and stuff...(smirk)
Well, at any rate I'm gonna go forward agressively.

06/01 Hora

Gosh...that reminds me. I've really been meaning to change this site layout too...
I'm interested to see where this leads.



Important News:


Hora's 4th CD, [VENOM] has been anounced
ordering information

Recent Updates:
06/10/07 - Hora's first entry about his NEW WEB SITE on his NEW WEB SITE...06/01/07

Past Logs:

all material on this site is unofficial and in no way represents the artist himself. Original copyright God Synthesis and Hora