Kodona is not a Japanese lolita fashion. In fact,
not everybody has even heard the word. It comes from combining child
+ adult (kodomo + otona) to make a term that means both child and
adult at the same time. With that said, where did it come from?
In the Gothic and Lolita Bible 1, they used Plastic
Tree's Ryuutarou as a model, and one of the words used to describe
his overall atmosphere was "kodona"....because it's Ryuutarou,
and because that's how Ryuutarou always is. It wasn't just the fashion
style, but Ryuutarou as well. Sometimes I have seen the things Shisen
wears being described as "kodona"...but he doesn't even
know it's considered a fashion, and he doesn't even name his fashions.
Yet I keep being told I'm missing "kodona"
from my guide of Japanese lolita terms. So to clear it up once and
for all I did some research. I went on a Japanese message board
and asked the people about it (question and answers translated from
original Japanese)
870 (ME): A few days ago I heard the term "kodona"
is a lolita fashion for the first time. What kind of style is it
and what brands sell it? To me it seems more like it should be an
aura or atmosphere than a fashion...
871: It's the first time I've heard it. Is it "child
+ adult"?
872: Is that really lolita fashion? I've never
heard it either. It has a willful image I guess, but it seems like
it would be something used among the Emily Temple Cute, etc crowd
or something....
873: First time I've heard it...it sounds kinda
off somehow, not pleasant....
874: It seems kodona is a term coined by parents
with children over middle school age for when the children are at
the point of puberty and kinda off somehow, in between being an
adult and a child. What a pathetic style that would be…(;´?`) Well,
for now, there's no connection so let's end this. Fin.
But I have a feeling 872's Narumiya girls would agree with this
875: I remembered the Narumiya girls.At first it was said
by people related to apareru, but now it seems Shirley's been stamped
with it. People who like it, don't give up~
Afterwards I looked up kodona on google, in hiragana
and katakana, I got many results. When I did it coupled with terms
such as "gosurori" and "lolita" (all in Japanese)
though, I got about 10 to 20 hits each. So the two words are not
sufficiency correlated.
However, when I looked up "gothic lolita" and "shrub"
I got 215 hits. That means a shrub is about 1100% more related to
lolita than kodona is. And a shrub is not a type of lolita, nor
a lolita a type of shrub. So until you show me a picture of a Japanese
lolita shopping in Harajuku with her shubbery, I am afraid I cannot
add "kodona" to the term list.
It is, however, part of the foreign gothic and lolita terminology,
and may have a slight connection to the bandgirl scene, so you it
at your discression please.