Singles ~ romanized, trans. from official site ~

04.01.88 Hitomi Suishou (Eyes of Crystaline Hue)
09.30.88 Mado o Aketa Toki (When I Opened the Window)
02.01.89 Chizu o Kudasai (Give me a Map)
05.21.89 0 no Oka (Infinite) no sky (A hill of zero, sky of infinity)
09.01.89 Harete yuku Sora wa (The Brightening Sky....)
11.22.89 Silent Bells
03.21.90 Natsukusa no Senro (Road of Summertime Grass)
08.22.90 Ya no Hana (Wildflowers)
11.01.90 Yume o Mita (A Dream I Saw)
02.21.90 ONE
07.18.91 Kutsuato no Hana ~ Arusuraan Senki Yori~
(Flowers from Footprints ~of the Auslan Wars~)
10.10.91 Sora (The Sky)
05.31.92 Grace
10.21.92 Toukyou no Sora no Shita (Beneath the Tokyo Sky)
04.21.93 Hitotsubu no Yokan (A Premonition on a Grain)
03.07.94 Midori no E (The Green Picture)
05.21.94 Saku to Ii na (How Nice to Bloom)
07.21.94 Koi Kashira (Could this be Love?)
05.21.95 Tashika na Guuzen (Certain Luck)
10.01.95 Yasei no Chuurippu (Wild Tulips)
06.21.96 Seikatsu no Purin *life pudding*
01.22.97 Hamonika Gaigan (Harmonica Beach)
06.21.97 Roka

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10.16.97 Tapesutorii (Tapestry)
01.16.98 Remon no Ki (The Lemon Tree)
08.21.98 Boodaarain (Borderline)
02.10.99 Popura (Poplar)
07.12.00 Sora ni Saku Hana (The Flowers that Bloom in the Sky)
10.12.00 Kokoa (Cocoa)
08.08.01 I'll remember
07.30.03 light song
12.07.05 Kuro
