Biography ~ translated and adapted from the official site~

Mimori Yusa was born in Miyagi prefecture of northern Japan (Touhoku), the area directly below
the infamously quaint Iwate prefecture, where the country tradition of Japan is still said to thrive.
Made intimate to music from a young age by traditional Japanese songs and nursery rhymes,
she attended the National Music College of Japan in her teen years and debuted with her first single,
"Hitomi Suisho" in 1988. Her focus has been, and will most likely always be, " music that
brings people happiness", which she pursues through her world of her pure vocal tones and soft, cheerful melodies.
She gained moderate popularity when her 3rd single, "Give me a Map", was aired on the Japanese
Cup Noodle commercial, but is still somewhat niche despite her sponsorship by Sony Records.
Since then, she has collaborated with many Japanese artists to produce albums, as well as with
foreign artists from first London, and then Canada, Australia, Italy, Oregon, Ireland, and Scotland.
She simultaneously performed concerts and lives, and aims to make them as expressive and sincere
as possible. Then, beginning in 2001, she began her personal project shows (women only), the
[CafeMimo Peach Festival Tea Parties], which gained much favor.
Then in the beginning of the summer of 2002, she realased her first cover album, "Lemon."
It covered the nostalgic songs of the Taisho and Shouwa periods in full expression, with which
she hoped to bring her audiences into a new world. After she released her next album,
"Bugenbiria", with the aim of creating yet another world through the use of electronica.
2004 heralded her first live recording, "Breath at the live", and a coutry-wide tour.
She anticipates furthermore activity in the years to come

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