
This gallery's up for whomever pleases to use it. It was taken from a backlog of the very first Schwarz Stein fansite, New Vogue Child (thanks to Navate for saving it all), and includes no effort on my part. Gratitudz to Lejun. If you want to use them too I don't think it'll matter, so just save them to your own computer and give him credit (Lejun).

There is, however, one difference; this gallery comprises the pictures that I like *laughs* Or, more accurately, it comprises all of the pictures that were of....not their thighs. There were some, and I'm not sure why, but I didn't think them particulary interesting as they just made their rears look rather large and answered the mystery of what, exactly, was up their noses during concerts. So nashi on those (except for the reaaally weird one). Aside from that, Hime has most of the missing Kaya ones on her site already, and so I'd direct you there. There are also other pictures I've opted not to upload on pure whimsy, but I'll leave the reasoning to you.
