Visual Kei Survey - Plastic Surgery


Don't believe this!!! I highly Doubt it.'s just a rumor. But it's still a rumor that must have been going around at that time, and thus interesting. Because I think it's more likely that bandmen just use globs of makeup, and then when you see them in real life they're just ugly and have bad skin from all the foundation or something....or wear masks so you never see their faces regardless of whether they're good looking or that guy who walks around Shinjuku in the Tiger Mask mask. I bet you he's an ex-bandman...................


Q: Why are visual kei people so cool!!111!!(???)
A: Because the've had cosmetic surgery. There's also the magic of make-up.

Visual kei is bands that specialize in appearance. In other words they've got to be beautiful or cool looking. And though I've never known of a bandman who did that, there are rumors that some have had it done. Now there is something known as puchi-surgery, and so the price for that is not very high. There are some who also dmay have done it bit by bit in order not to be obvious about it. There are also perhaps some who are ordered to do it by their office. Whether they or the office pay is up to the office, and it's become a taboo word so you won't hear it much. Then there's people who get eye surgery, advance their techniques in photography or make-up, and whether or not to actually get cosmetic surgery is a delicate matter. Whether it's a good or bad thing depends on the person's set of values, and I really feel bad for those who have had it done when they didn't want to....though the ones whos companies paid for it are lucky.
There are bands in this world who are good looking without doing anything, but then there are bands won't look good no matter what they do, and that is the way of the world.

A conversation I had with E while looking over an old magazine.

E: Okada got plastic surgery?
Marii: I heard that, but is it true? Didn't the make-up style just change?
E: Before Okada's eyes only had one fold, and now there are two.
Marii: Maybe it was just eye stuff. Where's he get the money for that?(laughs) If he'd really done it, I'd hope he'd have looked better than that.
E: If you change it too much though, won't people know?
Marii: If you just do a little it'll mean nothing. Nothing'll change!

So there would be the contradiction of looking good and doing it so no one noticed. And who'd have the money for it anyway?

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