Shoujo Jigoku - Yumeno Kyuusaku

(pg 16-36)

More that anything, what I want to beforehand make clear is that this girl...this one lovely young lady who called herself Himekusa Yuriko, is without a doubt none other than the one who was written up in the Tokyo Newspaper last spring under the special report headline "An Enigmatic Young Lady." This reality I have already eplained to the afore-mentioned justice authority during today's interview, and he has thus recognized this as a "tough case", and so as he straight-away notified police headquarters, it can be conjectured that he is there at present. But according to that newspaper article (perhaps it would be better to call it a recollection), she made an automatic call to the nearby police from the secret meeting place she shared with her lover(?), with the idea of not wanting it to be discovered by them.
"I'm an innocent you girl, and I've been kidnapped and am being held hostage in XXXX house. Just now I can feel their evil hand reaching out to me, but I saw a small chance and am making this telephone call to you. Help me, please!" she said with a voice feeble and faint of breath, completely true to the nature of the situation, and chased the authority's automobile to an unbelievably far off place, completely in the opposite direction. In such a way did she repeatedly stir up the police, and so eventually they realized it was the same girl, and this was a cause of extreme resentment to them, and a source of enjoyment for the newspaper reporter....and that is the truth of the situation.
With her natural gift at creating those kinds of rash, jumbled, formless fictitions, she has become a cause of anxiety to you, and until recently a basic

Part III

~Copyright Yumeno Kyuusaku. Translation by Faith 06.2006. No reproduction of any materials on this site~
~Translation by Faith, Jan 2005. No reproduction of any materials on this site~