music and lyrics by Hora


You take the world you can see in your palms continuing and softly, hold it now…
Pulsing as you throw it down, a newborn light will abound, and enfold you into one

Then to be touched by sadness like you once were, to be stained by hatred like you were before,
All those things no longer exist anymore
As you walk freely forth…

In the moment that you close your eyes, and paint this imagery
You pluck even the sun from it’s place in the sky and gently
Carry its light in your chest while the universe and everything
Change as this world begins to fade away.

When you open your eyes you find yourself in a reality,
Where things seem just as if they had been created within your dreams,
Here the future is born from things so simple as just your wishings,
In this world from deep in your heart…keep living

Though your nails were torn clawing through suffering, and tied down in defeat you had stopped moving,
All those things no longer exist anymore
As you walk freely forth…

In the moment that you close your eyes, and paint this imagery
You pluck even the sun from it’s place in the sky and gently
Carry its light in your chest while the universe and everything
Change as this world begins to fade away.

When you open your eyes you find yourself in a reality,
Where things seem just as if they had been created within your dreams,
Here the future is born from things so simple as just your wishings,
In this world from deep in your heart…keep living


As you can see, it's extremely lolita. Has anyone ever noticed how so many songs are about love? I never understood them, but this one, I understand perfectly...

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~Translation by Faith, 2005. No reproduction of any materials on this site~