I Can't Write Poetry But I Did it Anyway

This year for Christmas I got a Playstation II. I was extremely happy and jumped up and down and thanked my mom and dad profusely, and everything was going fine until I realized I suck at PS2. So next year, I will update my wish list. It will look like this:

1) Better job that will pay for my MBA
2) A gray and white paid hat that looks just like the one Oliver had in the movie, only not dirty
3) More fluffy Abercrombie jammies/fluffy light blue, cream, or gray velour robe
4) Lolita Limpnik and Alien
5) Music partner and record contract PLAYSTATION SLAVE TO BEAT GAMES FOR ME

On a related vein, this year my friend got her boyfriend, a bandman,
a $300 present for Christmas,
while he got her...


She was upset, but I told her to wait until New Years and see if he did anything then, since New Years is more important than Christmas in Japan. And if he didn't to BODYSLAM HIM and hope he didn't like it.
But she completely ignored my advice and wrote him a letter, and naturally he said to wait until New Years. I told her not to let him move in with her, and not to get himan expensive present, and not to mother him unless she had fun with it but, well, she didn't listen. So today, aside from being New Years Eve, is also Judgement Day. We'll see if he proves me right.

I myself surpassed the whole "wait for boyfriend to get me something" because I don't have one,
and got myself a painting of the Ocean at Night~ (I don't like prints and I do like oceans)
When I was talking to somebody a while ago he mentioned how he's been searching for someone who can take the place of his best friend from childhood, whom he was always with and loved. It made me remember that my childhood friend, the only person I ever truly loved and was close to, had numerous paintings of the ocean on her bedroom walls. She was one of those skinny kids with big brown eyes that protruded oddly from her head, and she was absolutely beautiful. Like, if you remember Sally from "Nightmare before Christmas", she looked a bit like that. We used to watch the movie together on Halloween....(tooi me de)
Admittedly though, she was a bit weird. She kept her dead gineau pig in her freezer....and it disappeared, and that somehow made us closer. I'm sure everyone's had a friend like that though.

Eventually we grew apart, and now she's completely different, and all she cares about is abortion and her dog. Still, sometimes I wonder if she isn't the reason I love mermaids and the sea so much, like maybe they've taken her place (we watched Little Mermaid a lot too).
Well, at any rate, I now have a painting of the ocean as well.

And here is a poem to prove it.
It also, incidentially, sums up something very important I learned this year.

Up on the Shore
(title copyright Gorgeous George)

The lucid moon looks rather much
like it may well be the sun
Reflecting o'er the breaking waves
In water and sand made one
For in this world the very things
that seem the most concrete
Flow back and forth in ebbing curls
For those who search to seek....

So listen well my words, my dear,
things be ne'er as they seem.
Can you really believe in someone?
Risk believing in anything?

Know people see not what they want,
But hopes and fears misgiven,
And soon enough you're sure to find
that all along you've been
The most confused of confusions
the most fickle of fickle things....

If you truly love somebody
Then search for reality.

It's pretty childish meter and I don't care (>_<) Does it even have one?
Ah, pishposh, it says what I want it to say.
Wishing everyone the best of the New Year~

Ai o Komete (I can't say "lo.....e.....rve" in English)


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